
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Changing Your Name Goes Hi-Tech

This week has been a discovery of a whole new world of hi-tech wedding applications. After years working on the inside of an Internet company (The Knot--the one that "started it all"on the wedding front), I have to admit it's been a while since I've seen a "why didn't I think of that?" idea! 

If you're hitched, you all know what a pain it is to change your name. Filing forms, notifying credit card companies, getting a new drivers license, a new work email--it's such a drag that so many of us (including yours truly) have dragged our feet when it comes to completing the process. 

Thankfully, brides-to-be with nomer updates can rely on secured website that actually automatically fills out all of the necessary forms for you! Here's how it works: you answer a series of questions (you can opt to fill in your social security number by hand), the system fills out the forms, and then allows you to check and print them--and provides the 411 on filing (addresses, fees, special instructions, etc.). Packages start at $19.95 for the driver's license and SSN name change forms and go up to $29.95--for virtually everything else, from passports to insurance notifications. Of course, read all the fine print and if you have questions about their privacy guarantees, read about them online

Okay, tomorrow, we go back to "style"--but at Chandelier, we can't help but share the goodies with substance!

Monday, June 14, 2010

There's a App for That: Tiffany & Co. Hitches Up with the iPhone

Okay, so now he really has no excuse -- Tiffany & Co. has made the ring-shopping experience officially fool-proof with their new iPhone App.

Of course, not only can you browse every ring in their selection, change the carat size, match them up with wedding bands on the screen, share them (discreetly) on Facebook, Twitter and via can actually pick the perfect size by -- get this -- placing an existing ring right there on the screen. Automatically, the tool's ring sizer syncs up and spits out the perfect size.

Now, of course, when it comes to picking out a super sparkler--we always say "see it before you buy it". But if you're pressed for time, stuck in the middle of a desert (yes, I once had a groom who ordered a ring from Tiffany while deployed in Iraq), or simply afraid to set in the store...this is the ultimate way to date a ring before you marry it. I'd say it's worth the pretty little blue box, wouldn't you?

Check out this video tutorial to see the App in action:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Engagement Photo Session in Stop-Motion

So, this amazing take on engagement photos has been taking the bridal blogs by storm--I first saw it on Junebug, then on Bridepop, now on our friends over at Monachetti. Needless to say, it's so cool and refreshing--and flat-out joyful!--we just had to share it with you. If your day needs a little brightening, press play.