Stuffing an Easter basket or satisfying a sweet-tooth? We can hardly resist these gorgeous gems from Chicago-based Vintage Confections.
From their mint-chocolate-chip lollipops to their whimsical candied moustaches to their series of candied birth gems, we're going crazy-for-Cocoa-Puffs over their inventive selection. They even serve up corn-syrup-free lollipops in fun flavors like citrus blossom, pomengranate, almond, clove and peppermint. I am hoping to find their rose-water marshmallows in my mother's day package (hint, hint)...We're also a big fan of their caramel collection (can you say, Lavendar Caramel!) and their monogram line which features 3" candied letters and numbers. What a great caketopper!
Right now, they're running a sweet promotion: get a free 1/4 lb. of ANY caramel of your choosing with ANY $10 order. Just put FREECARAMELS in 'notes to seller' on their Etsy shop checkout along with the caramel of your choosing. They'll include it free with your order!