Ok, it has to be said--Are you ready for some football?! Nothing's more exciting in the Northeast than a square off of Eli Manning and the New York Giants and Tom Brady and the New England Patriots. Planning a get-together this weekend? Here's some fun ways we've dreamed up at Chandelier Events to add some style to your typical Superbowl bash.
SuperBeer Bar
Nothing's better than a cold brewsky in front of the 50" inch-flatscreen. Skip the kegs and pitchers, and impress your guests with a deluxe beer buffet featuring bottles of microbrews and ice-cold pilsner glasses. Stock a wide variety of ales, from the lighter pale ales like Blue Moon to the staples like Heinekens and Amstels, deeper flavors Newcastle and Red Stripe, to picks from local breweries representing your teams: for New York Giants, go with Brooklyn Brewery and Schmaltz Brewery, and for the Patriots, opt for the obvious Sam Adams, Harpoon, and Waschusett Blueberry Brew by Washcusett Brewing Company.
Go Big on Mini Bites
I've been doing mini bites at events for years now--and this is such an easy way to sass you your Superbowl Party. Add to your classic platter of cocktail franks (a must-have) with mini sliders, pulled pork sandwiches, mini lobster rolls and crabcakes--you can even cut up grilled cheese sandwiches into bite-size morsels on a bed of grass or use them to garnish tomato soup in a shot glass. Bite by Bite, the new book by my friend Peter Callahan of Callahan Catering's new book is packed with inspiration--like these mini chicken cups served with teensy bottles of Coke.
(Chandelier Tip: Finding tiny Coke bottles might be hard, but you can easily do this at home by filling shot glasses with sodas and even spiked drinks and cutting paper or colored plastic straws -- red and blue -- into thirds. You can do mini root beer floats, dark and stormies, and shots of coffee soda like Manhattan Specials).
Skip DoubleDipping
If you're throwing a Superbowl fete, chances are Seven Layer Dip is on the menu. Limit the mess while impressing your guests with individual Seven Layer Rocks Glass--we found a great step-by-step tutorial to seven layer dip cups on SweetSavoryLife.com. This tip is easy to replicate for other snacks like fondue (cheese or chocolate) and even simple dips and salsas. Finally, a reason to put those wedding gifts to work!
SuperSweet Snacks: Black & Tan Pretzel Bars
Go mini or BIG with this homemade game day sweet (recipe from The Cake Blog)--a layer of fudgy beer brownie topped with butterscotch ale ganache and salty pretzels, served with a pint of Guinness, of course!
You don't have to spend big bucks to get great style--just put your thinking cap on! An easy way to spruce up your table is this one from a Tailgate Party I threw for my son--Grass Flats! On average, flats of grass cost less than $15 a piece--I picked up a few, and popped in balls from our own collection. This is a great way to "Go Football" and make a nod to your favorite team. See more Tailgate Decor here.
Be Your Own Entertainment
Stage your own entertainment, with these ideas we've dreamed up:
-- "YouTube Superbowl Commercial Competition" -- During the tailgate time, split up into teams, and draw products written on notes out of a ref hat; with your iPhone, Androids or FlipCams, shoot 30 second commercial clips for your "given product". See who's the funniest, most embarrassing, just have fun!
-- "Star Spangled Banner" Sing Off: Break out the Karaoke machine for a kick-off sing-off. This is a great way to entertain the kids as well! See who remembers the words.
Have crowd-pleasing game day ideas? Share them with us.

This is really cool idea. We welcome such ideas. We're Trendy Lime. Trendy Lime is a producer of upscale social parties and networking events and a social network comprised of global socialites. We are setting the standard in classy, exclusive events for Trend-Setters, Entrepreneurs, and Ambitious Professionals in prime venues of San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Vienna, and Barcelona.
Very good articel, thanks for sharing
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